Wednesday, April 27, 2011

parts of an artist statement

when writing an artist statement you should include the following:
An introductory paragraph that is interesting and makes the reader want to find out more about you in the paragraphs that follow
 Contains information about your selected piece on the web-site
 Title of the work? (What is the work called?)
Medium? (Material it is made out of)
Dimensions of the work? (in inches)
Explanation of why the artist chose to represent this piece

Contains information on your vision and ideas
 Explanation of where you got your inspiration or ideas from in creating the work
An explanation of how you incorporated these ideas into your finished work

 Use of appropriate and correct terminology pertaining to the work chosen
Explanation of each of the elements and principles of art that pertain to your work.

Explanation of what makes this a successful work of art
 Why this work best represents the artist

Monday, April 25, 2011

quote reflection

"Consider the postage stamp, its usefulness is its ability to stick to something till it gets there". Josh Billings
most people do not stick to things until they are finished, or have arrived at their destination, so postage stamps are useful because they stick to things until they arrive at their destination

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

quote reflection

"you cant depend on your judgement when your imagination is out of focus" jf kennedy
when you are out of touch with your imagination you wont make good decisions

Thursday, April 14, 2011

color theory

In the visual artscolor theory is a body of practical guidance to color mixing and the visual impacts of specific color combinations. Although color theory principles first appeared in the writings of Leone Battista Alberti (c.1435) and the notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci (c.1490), a tradition of "colory theory" began in the 18th century, initially within a partisan controversy around Isaac Newton's theory of color (Opticks, 1704) and the nature of so-called primary colors


Friday, April 8, 2011

what is research invstigate inquire and what is the difference.

research is researching your topic, inquire is to ask questions and investigate is to look into your topic and how you can do it, the difference is that they are all different steps to creating and understand a subject or new art form that you may be wanting to try out.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

10 different art mediums

spray paint, wheatpasting, stencils, film photography, digital photography, oil painting, acrylic painting, metal, wood, stone,

film photography:
oil painting:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

what is expermental art

An imprecise term applied to art that is concerned with exploring new ideas and/or technology. It is sometimes used virtually synonymously with ‘avant-garde', but ‘experimental’ usually suggests a more explicit desire to extend the boundaries of the art in terms of materials or techniques, whereas ‘avant-garde’ can include novel ideas expressed through traditional means. John A. Walker (Glossary of Art, Architecture and Design Since 1945, 1973, 3rd edn., 1992) writes that ‘it is a word with both positive and negative connotations: it is used to praise and condemn. Those writers for whom it is a term of praise often mean by it an empirical practice in which the artist plays with his materials and adopts chance procedures in the expectation that something of value will result … Those writers for whom “experimental” is a pejorative description mean by it “a trial run”, “not the finished work”, “something transitional”.’ Walker points out that in E. H. Gombrich's celebrated book The Story of Art, first published in 1950, the whole of 20th-century art was originally embraced in a chapter called ‘Experimental Art'.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    scientific method
    • Ask a Question
    • Do Background Research
    • Construct a Hypothesis
    • Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
    • Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
    • Communicate Your Results
    creative process
    similarties are they both create something and the difference is they are used for different things

scientific method vs. creative process

the scientific method is used in science to prove or support a hypothesis while the creative process is the process in which an artist undergoes to create a product, such as a painting, drawing, or new idea

Monday, April 4, 2011

quote reflection

"solutions are just a snap shot on the time on the rout of discovery"
solutions can lead to your understanding of problems

Friday, April 1, 2011

how do artist get inspired

artist get inspired in many ways, some take a walk around town taking in the sights, others wait for the inspiration to come to them, and others have their own personal way of getting inspiration, such as listening to a certain band or song or doing drugs.